Collectively we are driving Earth and civilisation towards collapse. Human activities have exceeded planetary boundaries. We are changing the climate, losing biodiversity, degrading land, contaminating freshwater, and damaging the nitrogen and phosphorus cycles upon which we all depend.
Category: Articles
Presentation “The Energy Transition: Overcoming the Non-Technical Barriers”. Despite its rapid growth, renewable energy is chasing a retreating target, the continuing growth in energy consumption, much of which is still fossil fuelled. If this consumption growth continues at the pre-pandemic rate, it will be impossible for renewables to replace all fossil fuels by 2050 and the risk of crossing climate tipping points wil increase. Therefore, the rich countries must reduce their energy consumption.
Presentation slides from Dr Mark Diesendorf and Professor Tommy Wiedmann
Mark Diesendorf’s presentation at the Green Institute Conference (PDF)

Reviewed by Jenny Goldie, president Sustainable Population Australia Republished by permission, A large crowd attended the launch of this book and many were turned […] Read More
The purge began in the 1990s, under the Hawke Labor government, then continued with gusto during the Howard-Costello governments and beyond. Just about every public […] Read More

Three hundred years ago, Britain narrowly escaped a disaster. Trapped inside a bubble, they needed radical changes to escape. There are parallels to our world […] Read More