Rethinking Sustainability

A key theme in our book, The Path to a Sustainable Civilisation is the need for community involvement. In this podcast series we hear from a wide range of voices. What does ‘sustainability’ really mean?

If you would like to contribute to this series, please get in touch. Find help on how to script and record your piece here.

  • The Myth of Growth
    If you know the term cognitive dissonance, it applies to ability of a person to hold entirely incompatible ideas in their head at the same […] Read More
  • Looking over the climate cliff
    How do you cope with the dire trajectory of climate change? It’s a tough question that we all now face. In this episode, ACT Greens […] Read More
  • Of Violence and Redemption
    If there were a single invention of humanity that you remove, what would that be? In this episode we revisit a personal story broadcast on […] Read More
  • ‘That’ conversation
    So it’s okay to clear the Amazon jungle? Almost certainly you disagree with that statement, but how do you respond when someone says that to […] Read More
  • Fernando’s dichotomy
    When somebody makes a statement that is foreign to your thinking, how do you react? In this episode, Rod Taylor recounts a conversation with the […] Read More
  • Growth and the Parasitic Economy
    Today’s episode should prompt us to ask, how should we measure the success of our society? Is it the growth, consumption, GDP and the size of our […] Read More
  • Deep Listening to Nature
    In his book Deep Listening to Nature Andrew Skeoch asks: What does listening reveal about how the living systems of nature function? Why do birds in particular […] Read More
  • Shopping
    In modern life the act of shopping is so much more than buying a few groceries. It’s become the experience as each purchase tickles those dopamine […] Read More
  • Coping with Crisis
    It seems every day we’re hit with more bad news. War in the Ukraine, floods, droughts and melting ice caps. In this episode, Rod Taylor […] Read More
  • Can we afford it?
    The standard line is that governments* are always short of money and must balance their budgets. But what if that’s not true? It changes everything […] Read More
  • Do we need unemployment?
    What could happen when people decide to do something about unemployment in their community?  If we look at unemployment it can appear as nothing more […] Read More
  • Intelligence and Wisdom
    Here we are in 2024, careening towards 2 degrees warming and beyond while it’s becoming clear that even 1.5 degrees is not safe. Clearly, destroying […] Read More
  • What is ‘sustainability’?
    You know the answer these questions: Is our civilisation sustainable? No. Are we doing what’s required to protect our environment? No. Are our efforts on climate […] Read More

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