Canberra launch & seminar. The Titanic: economics, neoliberalism and state capture

On 4th July 2023 at Thor’s Hammer in Canberra, the authors Mark Diesendorf and Rod Taylor hosted a packed seminar to an enthusiastic audience. They described how business-as-usual under the current economic model, where governments are captured by corporate interests is already threatening the future of the planet – and, by extension, of civilisation itself.

Diesendorf tells the story of his dismay at discovering his seemingly benign PhD work was useful to nuclear weapons researchers, and of how the renewable energy program at CSIRO was shut down.

The seminar is introduced by Professor Lorrae Van Kerkhoff from the ANU Fenner School with keynote speaker Dr Richard Denniss from The Australia Institute, who gave a lively presentation which (as you’ll hear in this podcast) included throwing pieces of paper.